Young  Carers 

If you are under 18 and help care for somebody at home, you are what we call a young carer. The person you care for could be your mum or dad, a sister or brother, or another member of your family. You need support too.

Young carers cope with many responsibilities and you might find that you struggle to fit your school work or exam revision in around your caring duties like cooking and housework.

It can also be difficult to find time for your friends. You might find that your friends and classmates don't understand what you are going through as a young carer or that you find it difficult to tell people about what you do at home to help.

You are not on your own. There are lots of young carers out there, going through the same things as you. We have services specially designed for younger carers.

Barnardo's Indigo Service

The service provides support to young carers and their families in Redbridge. This includes:

  • Finding support that families are entitled to from local services so that the child’s caring responsibilities can be reduced
  • Supporting young carers to use local services such as sports clubs, support groups and health centres
  • Advice and emotional support through counselling and drop-in sessions
  • Liaising with schools so that teachers can better support the child
  • Giving young carers a break, time with other young carers and a chance to share experiences

Visit Barnardo website or contact 020 8554 2888

'No Wrong Doors'

Young carers in Redbridge have said that there should be “no wrong doors” for young carers and their families. Young carers should be identified, assessed and their families supported regardless of which Council service is contacted in the first place.

Redbridge Children and Adult Social Services have therefore committed through a memorandum to work together locally, adopting a whole system, whole council, whole family approach to providing support for young carers and their families.

Read ‘No wrong doors’ memorandum of understanding

Useful contacts

Young Carers Service (Barnardos)

Young Carers (Carers Trust)

The Children's Society - Young Carers

Child Line - 0800 1111

Samaritans - 08457 90 90 90

London Borough of Redbridge Young Carers Support

Carers assessment 

A break from caring

Employment and learning

Emotional support

Financial support

Planning for an emergency

Living with a disability

Young Carers Net

Carers Direct (NHS Choices)