Online Safety

Students and staff need to be safe online all the time. Please make sure that you read the following before starting to use Microsoft Teams:

  • Students must read the online safety advice that is on our school website before starting to use Microsoft Teams:

  • All communication online and voice messages between students and staff must be polite and professional at all times.
  • Students are not to put any aspect of their work with teachers on social media including teachers’ voice recordings or images of teachers.
  • Ensure your camera and microphone are turned off by clicking on these icons on the tool bar. This is so that you cannot be seen or heard. Once you turn them off a diagonal line will appear through the icon.
  • Students unable to follow our Code of Conduct and online safety guidelines of being polite and responsible when communicating with others on line, published in full in student planners, will be sanctioned, and parents informed.
  • In serious cases students will not be permitted to access live lessons and the police may be involved