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Year 12 students who are part of visited The students had a taste of university life where they experienced the accommodation, attending lectures, taking part in team building exercises and exploring the local area.#exeter


Thanks to Madison from for speaking to the year 12 students about the Dentistry, Medicine and Law courses they run, entry requirements and application progress.#university


Caterham High School in Clayhall has been recognised as "the safest school in the country" by a recent safeguarding report. 👇 Full story


Another sunny day in - great buildings and landmarks, and our students met Pikachu in a square!! Afternoon visit to the Oceanographic Centre. Last meal in Valencia que rico!#Year7


Adios Benageber we all had a great time!#Year7


Some very tired students and staff after their hike and visit to an Art Deco style dam - spotted birds of pray and quite a few lizards along the way!


An amazing afternoon of abseiling and wall climbing!


Another sunny and beautiful day in Valencia, a morning packed with fun activities: kayaking, zip wire and some of our Year 7 students trying to spot alligators in the water!!


A day full of action: dodge ball, tug of war and tree tops!


An action packed day so far in


Out and about in



All have arrived safely at


Ready to board! Next stop After singing Happy Birthday to Riana, who brought chocolates for everyone! Next stop


All have arrived safely Next stop


school trip to has now departed. , and will be having an amazing experience over the next few days. We wish them well and thank staff for giving their time to allow our students experience this opportunity.


Year 12 students took part in a speed networking event and a trading game at Bank of America offices in The City of London


Special thanks to MP, who graciously imparted his wisdom to our Year 12 head student candidates, advising them on effective campaign strategies to secure votes in the upcoming elections.#year12 '#manifesto


Year 12 Students had a visit to New City College, Redbridge Campus. They had a tour around the campus and heard about the various courses they run.#highereducation


Year 12 and 13 students hearing about the different apprenticeships from The Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge programme (ASK).#furthereducation


The Redbridge Education Awards are now OPEN! Want to say thank you to a great teacher? A wonderful mentor? A super supportive adult? Vote for your Caterham staff here - vote to say “thank you” to them!Nominate now at or you can use the QR Code.


Over 40 organisations, including Universities, Colleges and employers, attended our Careers Fair. All students in all year groups attended throughout the day and Year 5 pupils from Glade primary attended.#careers


We're in Wanstead High Street today speaking to local people about the work we and our partners in the police are doing to tackle violence & asking you to sign the “Redbridge Pledge” against Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) ✏️


We're in Wanstead High Street today speaking to local people about the work we and our partners in the police are doing to tackle violence & asking you to sign the “Redbridge Pledge” against Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) ✏️


Did you know...?We help children stay away from criminal gangs.Our child protection teams have used virtual reality with some children, to start conversations about exploitation and how their behaviour is placing them at risk of being exploited.More:

Elephant Group

Elephant access logo


In partnership with Elephant Group access, at Caterham we endeavour to support and encourage our year 12 and 13 students, with high aspiration and academic ability, to continue their education at a Russell Group university. Russell Group universities are world renowned for their research and academic challenge and rigour.

There are 24 Russell Group universities in the UK, including Oxford, Cambridge, York, UCL, King’s College London, SOAS, and Newcastle. Russell Group universities open up doors for future careers in law, medicine, engineering or teaching – as well as offering hundreds of other courses. Russell Group graduates are recognised for being academically able, and often recruiters and organisations will look to employ those students.

The Elephant Access (TEG) provides a range of activities, trips and experiences to support students’ aspirations, attainment and applications to Russell Group universities. For example, across 2021-2022, we took students to trips at Oxford, Cambridge and King’s College London! We also hold lots of insight, and Q&A opportunities for students, as well as personalised support.


Being a part of The Elephant Group (TEG) at Caterham was a really useful and insightful experience as it gave me the opportunity to think about university throughout my time in sixth form and encouraged me to be aspirational, applying to Russel Group universities.

The Summer School was especially helpful, allowing me to work with students from other schools and university students, who I got to know gradually over the week, building my confidence to ask questions about their experiences and familiarising myself with university study methods. This later helped me feel more prepared for the application process and in considering what kind of university experience I wanted to have.

Our trip to St Anne’s college was a chance to become familiar with Oxford university and its application as well as being able to speak with people who had done history there and interact with them, practicing interview prompts and talking about what I enjoyed about my subject.

The Sixth Form also supported me throughout the process in many ways. All the staff were happy to help with all the questions I had and I benefited greatly from check-ins with both Ms Machnicki and Ms Copsey, who spent lots of time with me editing each draft of my personal statement, preparing for my interview, answering my questions and helping me research my universities, as well as helping me build my confidence up over the year.

Hope Edwards (Year 13, 2022)


“I attended the University of York. Since I was at a Russell Group university, I was recognised for my academic potential and secured an internship at the Home Office in the Public Protection Unit in my second year. I was also able to receive lots of career support, which helped me onto the Teach First Leadership Development Programme. I continued my studies at UCL, and King’s College London, which I have found to be challenging, rewarding and unforgettable!” Ms Copsey


Teg 1 3

Luke Chapman,  Ms Copsey, Zenab Qadir, Hope Edwards at Oxford University!



Ms Machnicki with 12XP at Kings College London for the Autumn Launch!