PE & Sport - Curriculum Statement of Intent

The curriculum for PE & Sport is intended to ensure engagement and participation of all learners whilst ensuring there is opportunity to develop elite performers, coaches and sport enablers. Through a range of activities and courses the curriculum allows for all learners to explore and enhance their understanding of healthy living and develop a love for life long participation in sport, physical activity and any associated opportunities it may bring.

The curriculum aims to:

  • Develop students sporting knowledge and ability in a range of physical activities
  • Enlighten pupils about the wider roles within sport and physical activities, such as career options.
  • Ensure students are physically active for a sustained period of time
  • Engage students in competitive sports and activities
  • Ensure students understand the importance of healthy, active lifestyles
  • Ensure students have the knowledge and understanding, including theoretical knowledge, to achieve well in study and qualifications

Through the sequencing of the curriculum we plan for the development of key skills in physical activity and sport, and develop essential knowledge and understanding of the theoretical learning of body systems, sports psychology, sport in society and health and fitness that underpins good subject knowledge, ensuring students become accomplished in:

  • Developing tactics and strategies to outwit opponents
  • Developing their own and others’ techniques in a range of competitive sports
  • Intellectually and physically challenge themselves in sporting situations
  • Evaluate their own and others’ performance, identifying ways of improving in an effort to achieve their personal best
  • Gaining strong subject knowledge that supports them to succeed in qualifications

The curriculum is designed using the excellent subject knowledge in sport, exercise and science to ensure students have a sound understanding of health and fitness during all key stages. The progression of skill development in all sports is integral to the lesson design as is building in competition to allow students to apply their skills in challenging situations.

Students develop essential life skills through the curriculum, with an emphasis on students’ understanding of well-being and motivation, developing leadership, communication, creativity and personal organisation. We offer a broad and balanced range of activities, considering the needs of our community to allow for all students to develop an area of passion. We utilise extra-curricular opportunists and our fantastic sports facilities to include swimming and fitness. We aim to inspire and help students to overcome their personal barriers to participation.

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At Key Stage 4, you can read about the courses on offer in our Options Booklet

2023 Year 9 Options Booklet

At Key Stage 5, you can read about the courses on offer in our Sixth Form Prospectus

For more detailed information about the PE curriculum, please email the subject leader Mr J Middleweek at






Page Downloads Date  
Year 7 PE Long Term Plan 17th May 2022 Download
Year 8 PE Long Term Plan 17th May 2022 Download
Year 9 PE Long Term Plan 17th May 2022 Download