Social Sciences

Social Sciences: Statement of Intent

We aim to deliver a social sciences curriculum that provides a safe space for young people to make sense of their identities in a modern East London demographic as well as a strong sense of belonging. Social Sciences deepens students understanding and sparks their curiosity in the world around them with rich knowledge and eye-opening debates which prepares students with the cultural capital to make a positive contribution in society.   This ranges from issues that are both tangible and conceptual; for example, a lack of public services or knowledge about these services to experiences of poverty or crime or a glass ceiling that faces most of our demographic.

The social sciences curriculum intends for a student to:

  • Articulate personal experiences in a manner that uses subject specific concepts.
  • Develop critical thinking and reflective skills through the ‘Sociological Imagination’ that is key across all three subject areas
  • Creatively plan and execute research informed campaign work using a range of academic skills, inspired by core theorists to cater for all abilities
  • Analyse the world around them and use that analysis to influence their own actions, behaviours and thoughts which will inspire and engage all 
  • Be reflexive and adaptive in their own mindsets.
  • Feel inclusive by interlinking local, national and international examples across topics
  • Prepare for careers in the service sector or a bridge into lifelong learning of other domains.
  • Question why certain injustices occur in their local community, country and the world at large.
  • Encourage a life-long inquisition into the various windows of the world around them such as the media or schools or families.

All students will learn how people grow and develop over the course of their lives from birth to death; the factors that may affect this, such as predictable and unpredictable life events. Students will analyse this impact from both positive and negative viewpoints, showing compassion through the use of key studies and case studies. There are lots of opportunities for cultural capital development both through the content but also peer learning as the demographic of the school is such that it is rich in diversity of cultures and experiences.

Students often go into careers in the service sector and therefore our curriculum needs to ensure that they are prepared for the next stage of education, employment and adult life. Demand for both health and social care and criminology (which entails sociology too) is likely to continue to rise due to an ageing population in Britain and therefore the demand for people to fill these vital jobs will also continue to increase. The faculty offers courses that will help learners to develop key transferable skills and knowledge such as research, critical thinking and reflective evaluation.

At Key Stage 4, you can read about the courses on offer in our Options Booklet

2023 Year 9 Options Booklet

At Key Stage 5, you can read about the courses on offer in our Sixth Form Prospectus

For more detailed information about the Social Sciences curriculum, please email the subject leader Mr J Keens at